Self Mastery Source Card Reading


My interpretation is unique as I use a set of 66 divination cards that I have illustrated. They are called Self Mastery Source Cards, based on Numerology, Symbology and Tarot. Along with my psychic ability, I am given Intuitive Guidance to help answer your question.

My readings will take you into the realms of new possibilities.

 With your question in mind I draw at random the perfect divination cards for you. I will review the past, look at where your are now and foretell the future.

I awaken that part of you that dares to dream of all that you desire to be, to create, to have and to know. 

The cards are used as a vehicle to enhance the discovery of the deeper psyche and the conditions around you.

My readings are in-depth, uplifting, exciting, expanding, illuminating and uniquely different.

The readings and a photograph of the cards I draw at random from the pack are sent to your email in a pdf file.

You are the spring-well, the Source, the ALL, the ONE, the Everything, the Unlimited, the Potential, the Mastery, the Mystical and the Illuminated Soul.


You receive a photograph of your personal card spread and approximately an 8 page reading pertaining to the question you write.

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