Numerology 12 month guidance
Using your Birth Date Numerology opens the channel to your divine blue-print for the next 12 months. The reading illuminates all that has the possibility of unfolding. It adds insightful information and guidance to support your year.
You receive a pdf file of about 8 pages or more.
Once you have purchased your reading please email Sally your date of birth and name in order for Sally to process and deliver your reading.
Using your Birth Date Numerology opens the channel to your divine blue-print for the next 12 months. The reading illuminates all that has the possibility of unfolding. It adds insightful information and guidance to support your year.
You receive a pdf file of about 8 pages or more.
Once you have purchased your reading please email Sally your date of birth and name in order for Sally to process and deliver your reading.
Using your Birth Date Numerology opens the channel to your divine blue-print for the next 12 months. The reading illuminates all that has the possibility of unfolding. It adds insightful information and guidance to support your year.
You receive a pdf file of about 8 pages or more.
Once you have purchased your reading please email Sally your date of birth and name in order for Sally to process and deliver your reading.